Advantages of adding your restaurant
Location map with button to activate GPS to take the customer to the restaurant.
Restaurant presentation photos
Presentation of the restaurant in 7 languages
A modern website ready to work on PC or mobile devices
List of specialties served by the restaurant, and whenever possible they will be indexed to our recipes
The restaurant appears in all recipes where this dish is served by the restaurant
Space for comments and rating by customers
Customers can add photos of the specialties they ate at the restaurant as well as comment on those specialties
Button with table reservation system
Home delivery order button with list of available dishes and prices
Take Away order button
On all reservations you receive E-Mail and SMS with the request
You decide what kind of bookings you want to receive
Buttons for sharing on social networks
Control panel
It has a control panel, where you can add every day or when you understand new dishes to your menus
You can manage 1 or several restaurants on the same panel
Reservations control
Add and remove photos
Change restaurant information
Changing the page layout (colors)
Know who commented and rated your restaurant
Reply to comments
Remove comments that have nothing to do with the restaurant
Custom Domain Extension
You can create a custom subdomain for your restaurant
Example: /restaurantname
This extension will be accessible in all of our domains and in all countries
Be able to use as your official page, publish where you want and share where you want
You will not need to worry about page hosting, domain renewal or technical page maintenance
, is part of a network of online services with millions of users among them:
Rotas Turisticas with millions of hits, - Clube Amizade with more than 4 million members
Enjoy and advertise your restaurant
What you need to add the restaurant
Minimum of 1 restaurant photo (with quality)
Who can add?
Owner or Manager
Customer, as long as he is aware of the main information of the restaurant, such as: Telephones, E-Mail, what specialties he serves
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