
clean the lamb or goat well, bring to the fire to boil a lot. drain the water and wash again with lemon and salt. then, cutting the guts, the liver, the curdled blood very small and boiling aside, leaving the tripe itself whole. the kids are seasoned with mint, plenty of black pepper, garlic, salt, parsley, onion, tomato, chives and coriander. put some vinegar. these spices mix well with the kids. everything is placed on the tripe, after it has been opened and spread on a table and the head of the lamb or kid is joined, after being cooked separately, in the same seasonings. the tripe is sewn as if it were a bundle, bagging everything. plenty of water in the pan, to which is added a spoon of salt and a good piece of bacon. at least five hours of simmering boil. make the mush of the broth, crushing the bacon over it, with the back of a wooden spoon.


  • goat head
  • blood,
  • goat kids,
  • guts
  • lemon
  • salt
  • pepper
  • garlic
  • gardener
  • parsley
  • tomato
  • chive
  • cilantro
  • vinegar
  • bacon and manioc flour.