
Scratch the skin of the # game duck breast without cutting the meat.
Season the duck magret with a little salt and freshly ground pepper on both sides.
Seal the fat-free magret over a low heat, with the skin turned down until it is golden brown, always draining the fat accumulation, keeping the pan dry, when it is already golden brown, turn to brown the other side. Rotate the meat to seal and brown all sides (so that the meat is juicy).
when it is already golden brown, let it rest for about 6 minutes.
While grilling the meat, we prepare the sauce.
Sauté the apples in a frying pan with a spoon of butter and sprinkle 1 tablespoon of sugar over them, and brown them. When they are golden add the brandy and flambé.
Add the mango and orange juices in the frying pan that grilled the magret, and add the sautéed and flamboyed apples in this juice and let it reduce until full-bodied.
Slice the magret and sprinkle black pepper and serve with the caramel apples!


  • 2 duck breasts
  • White pepper ground to taste
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Sauce
  • 2 green peeled apples and cross cut
  • 1 tablespoon of butter
  • 1/2 cup of mango juice
  • 1/2 cup orange juice tea
  • 1/2 glass of cognac
  • 1 dessert spoon of sugar