
prepare a rehash with the achiote, tomato, pepper, onions, garlic (these finely chopped ingredients) season with pepper, salt, ajinomoto, cucumber and cube, after a few minutes put the fish part In pieces and the blended peanuts, cook for 15 minutes until the refried preparation boils. grate green cook them in a pot, it is preferable to the sea, as well as the Teflon, add the water, the salt and the ajinomoto, move constantly to reach one in the pot, when they take a light color of the coffee that you feel the dough is sticky remove it from the heat. clean the sheets with a damp cloth. portion of green space one on a sheet, in the center a little condumium and close it. cook packets in steamer for 25 minutes or less.
serve way: fish buns are served hot on top of a plate on the same sheet. if they eat with a spoon !. It opens with the blade of attention to burn and throws the spoon in the middle where the fish is. in that slit add enough lemon (essential) and the chili (optional but highly recommended). mmmmm !.
Notes: This dish is very good to be eaten by the media tomorrow around 10:00 am on weekdays. It is very well accompanied by a stuffed potato. They are also very common in dining rooms.


  • 1/2 pound golden yellow.
  • 1 medium tomato, peeled and without seeds.
  • 2 garlic seeds.
  • 2 small colored onions,
  • 1 small bell pepper.
  • maple leaves to get involved.
  • 3 cups of water
  • 1/2 bouillon cube.
  • 1/2 pound of peanuts blended in a little water.
  • 4 green stripes.
  • 4 tablespoons of achiote.
  • Salt.
  • Pepper,
  • cucumber.
  • ajinomoto (monosodium glutamate).