
the peppers, the zucchini, the tomatoes (peeled and without seeds), the onions and the garlic are cut into small pieces (or a little big, depending on the taste of each one).

In an earthenware dish or in a frying pan, add extra virgin olive oil with a designation of origin (we recommend that of ´´montes de toledo´´). When it is boiling we add the garlic and the chopped onion, when it begins to brown add the peppers and the zucchini, fry them a little and then add the tomatoes. we salted. if we like black pepper we add 6 grains. Mix well with a wooden spoon and let it cook over low heat. With the wooden spoon we stir carefully from time to time. We test if it is to our taste of salt and if we see that it is lacking, we add. it is also interesting to add a little sugar if the tomatoes are slightly acidic. when we see that it is done, we remove it.

At this point we can improve the ratatouille by adding one or two eggs. We mix them well with the wooden spoon and ready to eat.

If we do not add the eggs, we can accompany the ratatouille with fried (starry) eggs.

Ratatouille can be eaten alone or as an accompaniment to pork chops, chicken, lamb or beef chops, steaks, etc.

It is recommended to accompany the pisto with a young red wine from the Castilla-La Mancha designations of origin.


  • ingredients (4 personas)
  • 300 grs. of green peppers.
  • 300 grs. zucchini.
  • 300 grs. of ripe tomatoes.
  • 3 working teeth.
  • 200 grs. of cebolla.
  • olive oil extra virgin
  • salt.