
peel the turnips, cut them into slices and cook them in water seasoned with a little salt.
clean the leeks and cut the white part, wash them very well and cook them in boiling water seasoned with salt.
when they are cooked, remove them from the heat and drain.
in the meantime, season the béchamel parmalat with paprika, salt, pepper and a pinch of nutmeg and mix the turnips and the chopped garlic.
pour the preparation in a pyrex dish, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, distribute some butter nuts here and there, and bake in the oven to heat up well, removing when it turns blond.
serve as an accompaniment to meat and fish.


  • 5 dl of béchamel
  • 1 kg of turnips without the branch
  • 1 kg of leeks (only the white part)
  • 1 teaspoon sweet paprika
  • salt q.s.
  • freshly ground pepper q.s.
  • grated nutmeg q.s.
  • grated bread q.s.