
Crush the tofu and add salt and pepper according to taste and set aside.
If you want you can add some aromatic herb to your taste. Scald in a little boiling water 2 tablespoons of sour sprinkles, stirring well until smooth. Add 2 tablespoons of corn flour, 1 tablespoon of salt and oil. Use little water, just enough to make a creamy mass.

Add the crushed tofu and sour powder to the creamy mass and continue mixing well until it comes off the hand. If using herbs or Nutritional Yeast add it last. Make small or medium balls, as you prefer. Place in shallow baking dish without greasing. You can wet the pan before placing the bread.

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C and place the balls to bake. When the rolls are golden brown or start to open, remove from the oven.
The rolls will be dry on the outside and melted on the inside. Nutritional Yeast is optional, but it can make the cheese rolls tastier!


  • 1/2 kg of sour powder
  • 1/2 kg of tofu
  • 2 tablespoons of corn flour
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • Nutritional Yeast
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • aromatic herbs to taste