Marapuama Tea

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Marapuama Tea

Marapuama is a medicinal plant, from the Amazon, Brazil, whose name means “potent wood”, and is popularly known for its aphrodisiac properties. Rich in arachidic, lignoceric, behenic acids, campesterol, essential oils, alkaloids, ester and phytosterols, it is used as a "remedy" in cases of sexual impotence, erection difficulties, increasing libido. It is a stimulating tea that promotes sensuality and sensitivity of the senses! In addition, it improves circulation, and can be used to treat several other diseases such as: intestinal disorders, beriberi, depression, weakness, flu, worms, hair loss, rheumatism, memory loss, swelling, cellulite, depression, weakness, anemia , flu, hair loss, rheumatism, stress, memory loss and to stop diarrhea.


  • 1 tablespoon chopped and dried peels
  • 1/2 liter of water
  • Preparation mode:
  • Boil the peels in 1/2 liter of water for 20 minutes covered.
  • strain and drink at the ideal temperature.
  • Drink 2-3 times a day.

Medicinal benefits of: Marapuama Tea

    Marapuama Tea belongs to the group of:
  • Teas for depression
  • Teas for diarrhea problems
  • Teas to help treat stress
  • Teas to prevent hair loss
  • Teas that help in the treatment of swelling
  • Teas for rheumatism problems
  • Teas that help in the treatment of cellulite
  • Teas to improve poor blood circulation
  • Teas that help improve memory
  • Teas to treat anemia
  • Teas that help in the treatment of intestinal problems
  • Teas that help in the treatment of flu
  • Teas with aphrodisiac function

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This recipe was consulted 9667 X - Since: 2020-12-05 - Shared by: Abigail Flauzino