66 Recipes for cocktails and other drinks

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Flavored water of lemon, grapes and rosemary

half a cup (tea) of seedless green grapes 1 sliced ​​lemon 2 sprigs of rosemary 1 bottle of Cold Water Mineral Water (1.5 liters)

: 8679 X

Pimm’s Cup

1/2 Japanese cucumber, sliced ​​(save one piece for garnish) 60 ml Pimms no. 1 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1/4 teaspoon sugar Ginger beer lemon slice

: 8687 X

Sex on the beach

1½ parts of vodka 2 parts of cranberry juice 1 part orange juice ½ part of peach liqueur Ice

: 8710 X

Swimming Pool Cocktail recipe

¾ oz Vodka 2 oz Pineapple Juice 1 ½ oz White Rum ¼ oz Cream ¾ oz Coconut Cream ¼ oz Blue Curacao

: 9593 X

Beer Cocktail

Base: Beer preparation time: 5 min. Ingredients 1 malt beer 1 egg sugar crushed cinnamon carob

: 9634 X


: 10103 X

Kazakh Chai (kazakh Tea)

6 c Water 6 ts Loose black tea 6 Cardamon pods 1 1/2 ts Fennel seeds 3 c Milk Sugar or honey to taste

: 10878 X

Cranberry Kissel

2 quarts water 1 cup cranberries 3/4 cup sugar 3 tbsp starch

: 11253 X

Pineapple Cocktail

1/2 piña 1 glass of water 2 bowls of sugar 1 cup of soda 1 cup of Moroccan

: 11466 X

Ginger Ale

2 l de agua hirviendo 200 g de jengibre fresco, pelado y rallado 200 g de azúcar 2 cucharadita de clavo de olor entero 4 canela palos 130 ml de jugo de lima 240 ml de jugo de naranja 240 ml de agua fría

: 11572 X

Ponche de Piña

2,1/2 litros de vino blanco 1 botella de jerez 1/2 botella de cognac 1 taza de marrasquino unas gotitas de amargo 1 piña cortada en trocitos pequeños 3 panimavidas almibar clara perfumada con la cascara de piña

: 11653 X

Singapore Sling

30 ml gin 15 ml cherry brandy (liquor) 10 ml Cointreau 10 ml Dom Benedictine 15 ml fresh lime juice 30 ml fresh pineapple juice 5 ml grenadine 2 dashes of bitters pineapple wedge, to garnish cherry, to garnish

: 11671 X

Mamey and Coconut Water Smoothie

½ cup of mamey ¼ cup coconut water 1 spoon of sugar ¼ cup ice

: 11736 X

Pisco Sour

3 tazas de pisco 1 taza de jugo de limón 1/2 taza de azúcar aproximadamente hielo

: 11868 X

Piña Con Sidra

: 11985 X

Ponche de Leche

: 12091 X