Pecan nutshell tea

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Pecan nutshell tea

Pecan nut tea, helps eliminate excess cholesterol, dissolves blood clots, fat plaques, prevents thrombosis, clears blocked arteries, prevents bypass surgery, prevents any heart problems, high blood pressure, dizziness, insomnia, asthmatic bronchitis, respiratory diseases, migraines, sinus and nerve problems, the liver, hepatitis, diabetes, gastritis and trapped intestines, kidney, ovary, bladder infections, wounds in the uterus and discharge, prevents wounds, back pain, back problems joints, blood rheumatism and others.


  • 1 tablespoon pecan nut
  • 2 liters of water
  • Preparation mode:
  • Put the water to a boil and when it boils, turn off and add the tablespoons of Pecan. Let stand for 15 minutes covered.
  • Put in a bottle and take it throughout the day, if it tastes stronger in the end, you can add more water.

Medicinal benefits of: Pecan nutshell tea

    Pecan nutshell tea belongs to the group of:
  • Teas for liver problems
  • Teas that help treat bladder problems
  • Teas that help regulate heart function
  • Teas for rheumatism problems
  • Teas that help control diabetes
  • Teas that help in the treatment of chagas disease
  • Teas that help in the treatment of hepatitis
  • Teas for insomnia (lack of sleep)
  • Teas that help in the treatment of sinusitis
  • Teas for bronchitis
  • Teas for joint pain
  • Teas for kidney infection problems

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Comentários ( 4 )

  1. Vânia Ferreira

    Gostava de saber onde posso adquirir este chá. Obrigada

    Gregory Stone

    When I want to sleep, I boil 4 - 8 pecan halves in 8 - 20 ounces of water.

    Helena Baptista

    Gostaria de obter este chá, mas nao consigo encontrar nas lojas de chá Podem por favor informar me onde posso obte lo? Obrigada

    José Moura Simião

    Aonde posso encontrar a casca da noz pecan aqui em Portugal?

This recipe was consulted 9101 X - Since: 2020-11-15 - Shared by: Abigail Flauzino