Restaurants where to eat: Codfish with Corn Bread

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Cais Wine & Tapas Bar

R. Vasco da Gama 7, 8125-192 Quarteira, Portugal
Quarteira , Algarve, Portugal

Suggestions you can taste in this restaurant:
Roast lamp in the oven, Portuguese stew, Seafood rice, Codfish with cream, Seafood Cataplana, Codfish Brás, Codfish with Corn Bread, Spiritual Codfish, Octopus rice, Pork meat Alentejo style, Algarvian style cataplana, Bean stew Transmontana style, Codfish Pataniscas, Jammed Cow, Cuttlefish Feijoada (kidney bean), Octopus Lagareiro style, Shrimp Curry, fish Massada, Duck Rice, Brazilian Feijoada, Squid Algarvian style,
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