Restaurants where to eat: Octopus Gallega

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Casa do Polvo Tasquinha

Av. Eng. Duarte Pacheco 8, 8800-545 Santa Luzia, Portugal
Santa Luzia , Algarve, Portugal

Suggestions you can taste in this restaurant:
Octopus rice, Fricassee octopus, Codfish Brás, Breaded octopus fillets with bean rice, Octopus Carpaccio, Octopus, shrimp and sweet potato cataplana, Octopus Samosa, Octopus curry, Octopus feijoada (beans stew) , Octopus Croquette, Octopus ceviche, Octopus salad, Octopus and shrimp rice, Octopus and razor clam rice, Octopus Gallega, Fried cuttlefish strips, Octopus and Shrimp Açorda, Grilled octopus with potatoes, Octopus patty,
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